Error Codes

Some errors include an error code that can be used to identify their cause and write application logic to handle them appropriately. Below, you can find a list of all the error codes that can be returned by the API, alongside a description of the situation that caused them.

deviceImeiAlreadyExistsThe IMEI provided is already assigned to another device.
deviceSimAlreadyUsedThe SIM provided is already used on another device.
memberAlreadyExistsA member with the same email address already exists
orderExpiredThe order has expired and can not be confirmed anymore.
paymentCardCvcInvalidThe CVC number is incorrect.
paymentCardDeclinedThe card has been declined.
paymentCardExpiredThe card has expired.
paymentCardInsufficientFundsThe card has insufficient funds.
paymentCardNotSupportedThe card does not support this type of purchase.
paymentCardNumberInvalidThe card number is incorrect.
paymentFailedAn error occurred while processing the payment. Try again later or with a different payment method.
paymentMethodAccountInvalidThe payment method account is invalid.
paymentMethodDeclinedAn error occurred while processing the payment method. Try again later or with a different payment method.
paymentMethodRequiredA valid payment method must be provided to continue with the payment.
paymentRefundAmountExceededRefund amount can not exceed payment amount.
portingNotSupportedThe phone number can't be ported to the provider.
serviceUnavailableService is currently unavailable and we've been automatically notified.
simAlreadyUsedSIM already in use with an existing subscription.
unknownAn unexpected error has occurred and we've been automatically notified.
userAddressAlreadyExistsAddress already exists.
userAddressInvalidThe given address is not valid.
userAlreadyExistsA user with the same email address already exists.
voucherCodeExpiredVoucher code has expired.
voucherCodeInvalidVoucher code is invalid.
voucherCodeNotFoundThe voucher code could not be found.
voucherNotFoundThe voucher could not be found.