Getting Started

In the following guide, we will walk through how you can get up and running quickly, integrating the Core Gigs API into your own product.

By the time we're finished, you will have used our API to create a new Gigs subscription! This will give your users everything they need to be online in minutes. Let's get started!


In order to complete this guide, you'll need to have a valid API key, and contacted us to create an organization with your first project and plan. If you're missing any of these, please reach out to for assistance.


We will be walking through the process of creating a new user and associated address. Then using this new user, along with an eSIM compatible plan associated to your project we will be able to setup a new subscription for said user.

First step, let's create a new user!

Creating a User

Because we want to create a subscription for a new user, we need to first create that user. We can do that by sending a POST request to the /users endpoint. In this walkthrough, we will use cURL for such actions:

Creating a user with the Gigs Core API - cURL.

$ curl --request "POST" \
--url "${GIGS_PROJECT}/users" \
--header "Accept: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${GIGS_TOKEN}" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{
  "email": "",
  "fullName": "Jerry Seinfeld"

If the request is successful, you should receive the following response:

A successful response after creating a user

  "object": "user",
  "id": "usr_0SNlurA049MEWV4OpCwsNyC9Kn2d",
  "birthday": null,
  "email": "",
  "emailVerified": false,
  "fullName": "Jerry Seinfeld",
  "preferredLocale": "en-US",
  "createdAt": "2021-12-07T09:31:39Z"

Be sure to hold on to the user id ("usr_0SNlurA049MEWV4OpCwsNyC9Kn2d" in this case) returned within the last response, as we'll need it going forward.

Selecting a Plan

Now that we've created a user, we need to select a plan. To find one, we can list the plans for our project by making an API request to the /plans endpoint. Because we are interested in creating a subscription for an eSIM, we can filter the plans by simType, returning only those with eSIM compatibility:

Listing the eSIM plans for a your project with the Gigs Core API - cURL

$ curl --request "GET" \
--url "${GIGS_PROJECT}/plans?simType=eSIM" \
--header "Accept: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${GIGS_TOKEN}"

You should receive a successful response back from the API listing the eSIM-compatible plans in your project:

A successful response listing your eSIM-compatible plans

  "object": "list",
  "items": [
      "object": "plan",
      "id": "pln_0SNlurA049MEWV3V0q7gjQbM4EVo",
      "name": "Gigs Global",
      "description": "A data plan you will love! Operates in most countries of the world.",
      // ...
      "allowances": {
        "dataBytes": 10000000000,
        "voiceSeconds": 30000,
        "smsMessages": 100,
      "price": {...},
      "provider": "p9",
      "requirements": {"address": "present"},
      "simTypes": ["eSIM"],
      "status": "active",
      // ...
  // ...

While we have shortened the above response body for brevity, you can choose whichever plan you'd like from the list. In this case, we'll save the id of the first plan we received ("pln_0SNlurA049MEWV3V0q7gjQbM4EVo"). You can view the full response from GET /plans by navigating to the following API documentation: list all plans

Note that different providers might have distinct requirements. In the example above, the plan response indicates that only a user address is needed. In other cases, different information might be requested, such as device details or user name.

Creating a User Address

As explained above, a user address is not required in all cases. It is only required when the plan associated to the user's subscription needs it. From the above plan response, we can see that an address is required for eSIM plan "pln_0SNlurA049MEWV3V0q7gjQbM4EVo". An address can be created for the new user with a POST to the /users/{USER_ID}/addresses endpoint. Where USER_ID is the id returned by the previous user create request: "usr_0SNlurA049MEWV4OpCwsNyC9Kn2d"

Creating a user address with the Gigs Core API - cURL

$ curl --request "POST" \
--url "${GIGS_PROJECT}/users/${USER_ID}/addresses" \
--header "Accept: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${GIGS_TOKEN}" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{
  "line1": "129 West 81st Street",
  "line2": "Apartment 5",
  "city": "New York City",
  "state": "NY",
  "postalCode": "10024",
  "country": "US"

After creating the user address it will be returned in the response:

A successful response after creating a user address

  "object": "userAddress",
  "id": "adr_0SNlurA049MEWV5ELDmnaqVXgTFT",
  "city": "New York City",
  "country": "US",
  "line1": "129 West 81st Street",
  "line2": "Apartment 5",
  "postalCode": "10024",
  "state": "NY",
  "user": "usr_0SNlurA049MEWV4OpCwsNyC9Kn2d",
  "createdAt": "2021-01-21T19:38:34Z"

Creating a Subscription

Now that we have a user, an address and a plan we can go ahead and create a new eSIM subscription. We will do this with a POST to the /subscriptions API endpoint. Using the values obtained in the above examples:

  • ${USER_ID} => "usr_0SNlurA049MEWV4OpCwsNyC9Kn2d"
  • ${ADDRESS_ID} => "adr_0SNlurA049MEWV5ELDmnaqVXgTFT"
  • ${PLAN_ID} => "pln_0SNlurA049MEWV3V0q7gjQbM4EVo"

we can define a new request. As we are creating an eSIM subscription, we can pass "auto" in the sim property, as the SIM details will be provisioned for us during the subscription creation process. If we were trying to create a subscription with a physical SIM (pSIM), we would need to pass the specific SIMS's details through in the subscription create request.

Creating a subscription with the Gigs Core API - cURL

$ curl --request POST \
--url "${GIGS_PROJECT}/subscriptions" \
--header "Accept: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${GIGS_TOKEN}" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{
  "plan": "pln_0SNlurA049MEWV3V0q7gjQbM4EVo",
  "sim": "auto",
  "userAddress": "adr_0SNlurA049MEWV5ELDmnaqVXgTFT",
  "user": "usr_0SNlurA049MEWV4OpCwsNyC9Kn2d"

If the request was successful, you should receive a JSON response containing an subscription id, as well as references to related objects such as plan and user:

A shortened successful response after creating a subscription

  "object": "subscription",
  "id": "sub_0U1WP6391FmqGW0gb3T3TGbsb8rW",
  "currentPeriod": {...},
  "phoneNumber": "+25411865216434",
  "plan": {...},
  "porting": null,
  "sim": null,
  "status": "pending",
  "user": {...},
  "createdAt": "2021-01-21T19:32:13Z",
  "activatedAt": null,
  "canceledAt": null,
  "endedAt": null,
  "firstUsageAt": null

A complete description of the successful response can be found in our documentation. Note that the in the above response the sim is null and the subscription has the status of pending. Depending on the network provider, it may take several minutes before the SIM is fully provisioned. In order to notify users as quickly as possible when their eSIM subscription is ready we can either:

For more information on how to set up webhook endpoints, check our events and webhooks guide. Below we will show how to follow the second approach, by polling the subscription endpoint.

Retrieve subscription with the Gigs Core API - cURL

$ curl --request "GET" \
  --url "${GIGS_PROJECT}/subscriptions/${SUBSCRIPTION_ID}" \
  --header "Accept: application/json" \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer ${GIGS_TOKEN}"

Once the sim has been fully provisioned, the status of the subscription will change from pending to active and the sim object in the subscription response will be populated:

A shortened GET subscription response

  "object": "subscription",
  "id": "sub_0U1WP6391FmqGW0gb3T3TGbsb8rW",
  "currentPeriod": {...},
  "phoneNumber": "+25411865216434",
  "plan": {...},
  "porting": null,
  "sim": {
    "object": "sim",
    "id": "sim_0U1WQria1FmqGW0nNQDxZqvrX7Nr",
    "type": "eSIM",
    "iccid": "89883070000007537119",
    "provider": "p9",
    "status": "active",
    "createdAt": "2021-01-21T19:38:34Z"
  "status": "active",
  "user": {...},
  "createdAt": "2021-01-21T19:32:13Z",
  "activatedAt": "2021-01-21T19:38:34Z",
  "canceledAt": null,
  "expiredAt": null

A fully provisioned SIM will also have a status of active.

Activating an eSIM

After the subscription setup is complete, the eSIM can be installed and activated on the device. There are three possible activation methods:

These sensitive information are available under a separate SIM credentials endpoint, by passing the SIM id returned above (sim_0U1WQria1FmqGW0nNQDxZqvrX7Nr). The response includes a qrCodeUrl, with an URL pointing to a hosted QR-Code that can be scanned by mobile devices to activate an eSIM. Alternatively, the activationCode provides the code that can be either manually entered within the device settings, or used to build the Apple Universal Link.

With the Apple Universal Link, the user can simply click on the link to install the eSIM on their device, without having to enter the activation code manually or scan the QR-Code. The link can be built by appending the activationCode to a predefined URL as follows:<activationCode>. Be aware that the link can only be used once, so make sure no one but the user opens it.

Retrieve SIM credentials with the Gigs Core API - cURL

$ curl --request "GET" \
  --url "${GIGS_PROJECT}/sims/${SIM_ID}/credentials" \
  --header "Accept: application/json" \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer ${GIGS_TOKEN}"

Example of a SIM credentials response

  "object": "simCredentials",
  "activationCode": "LPA:1$$TEST-OUKOP-8JW6Y8B",
  "qrCodeUrl": "",
  "sim": "sim_0U1WQria1FmqGW0nNQDxZqvrX7Nr"

In this case, we'll opt to open the qrCodeUrl in our browser (any device is possible) to render the QR code and open the camera app on our iOS device. When we scan the QR Code, we'll be prompted to add a Data Plan. Follow the instructions within iOS. Shortly after the data plan has been added, you should be able to see that network connectivity has been established.

Final Thoughts

Great work! With just a few API calls, we were able to quickly create a subscription for an eSIM plan and establish connectivity for our user!

If you want to see how users can port-in their existing numbers into their new subscription, check out our porting guide.